office cleaning service
Office cleaning Service changes the atmosphere of the environment and gives excitement to the team and gives growth to your business. Cleanliness prevents diseases, bacteria, allergies, prevents insects and prevents bad smell. For this, office cleaning service is done. It is very important to do. If you don’t clean your office, it becomes a breeding ground for insects.
health benefits
Cleaning is important to improve health. A clean office encourages workers to concentrate better. At the most, the company fires her and a happy work journey begins. Hai great1 Office Cleaning Service helps in deep cleaning your office, rejuvenating your employees, your customers and you. And increases self-confidence. If you do not do daily cleaning, your valuables may get damaged, such as the dust accumulated on the fan can spoil the fan. If you do not clean the computer desktop, it will start looking bad and will gradually get spoiled if left running for a long time. If yes then cleaning is very important
Great1 Service Office Cleaning Service provides such attention
- remove all dust
- Door, Fan, and Light, Switch Button Cleaning
- Dashboard, Computer, Keyboard, Electric Items Cleaning
- Windows Deep Clean
- Cleaning Pantry Drawer Trolley
- bathroom deep cleaning
- chair carpet sofa cleaning
How to do office cleaning service
1 take out the trash
Dustbins are emptied, ceiling so dust is removed, water is drained, walls are cleaned with care, office cabinet doors and fans are cleaned in deep Office cleaning Service.
2 Windows Cleaning
It includes the grill which is on the outer side. It has to be cleaned and its web has to be removed. And also wash the grill with water. If you don’t slide it, it won’t work after the debris remains on it. For that, first of all we have to remove becuse the sliding waste. After that we clean it with a cloth and the glass is cleaned by hitting it with chemicals. And lastly, if you see something dirty, you can clean it with a cloth. Great1 Service Window Cleaning works responsibly. Can wash completely with water. Use less water from inside to outside and use more chemicals, it has many Office Cleaning Service
3 Bathroom Deep Cleaning
First of all, the material inside will be removed. After that, deep cleaning of the tap is done, toilet water is taken out and chemical is applied to it. Then scrubbing is done, dust is removed from the ceiling, ceiling is cleaned, chemical is applied on the wall and then Scrubbing is done and then you can wash it with water and clean it with a cloth. Mostly chemicals are used in bathroom cleaning. Chemicals help in removing hard stubborn stains and also eliminate bacteria. If you use hard chemicals then 100% of the dirt gets removed. The glass inside the bathroom is completely cleaned and the paper. but In this we use acid base chemical.
Bathroom Cleaning SOP Checklist How We Do It
- Let’s check the bathroom and take care of some broken things.
- to remove dust, to clean with water, to soak up excess water
- WC toilet cleaning
- mirror cleaning
- window cleaning
- normal & deep Bathroom in Office cleaning Service
In this way we also check the bathroom cleaning.
4 Office Cleaning Service Dry and Wet
sofa chair deep cleaning
- Vacuum machine removes dust from sofa
- Water and chemicals are applied to the sofa
- scrubbing the sofa thoroughly
- All the dirty water from the sofa is removed by the vacuum machine while all the bacteria is eliminated.
- 80% of the sofa gets cleaned completely with a clean cloth. The price of sofa, chair and carpet may vary.
Carpet Cleaning Service
- Removes all the dust from the carpet. If the big garbage is taken out by hand and all its dust is taken out with a vacuum machine, if it is small then it is shaken and its hair is also removed. We pour water on the carpet with a scrubbing machine and scrub it and finally vacuum it. From the machine, all the dirty water of the carpet comes into the vacuum machine. We can do this once or twice and your carpet gets completely cleaned. We Offer in Best Price commercial Office Cleaning Service
Office Cleaning Service Booking Process
- Contact for booking
- you can pay in advance
- Tell the timing and area of work
- Then process compleat office cleaning Service
- You can make payment after reduction
- It is the full duty of the customer to check after reduction.
Why would you use only Get One Service?
Provides good quality at low prices.
Our team is expert trainer and updated in every work.
Every work is done in a new way.
Expensive chemicals are used.
Reduce with good quality machinery.
Deliver every work on time.
we suport 24*7 suppourt office Cleaning Service